College of DuPage Meteorology Program -- Notes, Syllabi, Case Studies, and Resources

  • Intro
  • Climate
  • Severe and Unusual Wx
  • Forecasting
  • Impacts
  • Severe Wx Analysis
  • Mesoscale Met.
  • Intermediate Met.
EARTH 1110 -- Introduction to Meteorology
A first look at various aspects of meteorology, including solar radiation, global circulation, environmental issues, winds, stability, precipitation processes, weather systems, and severe weather. Basic physical principles, meteorological terminology, societal impacts, and weather analysis will be explored.

Course Outline
PDF Notes
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
EARTH 1111 -- Climate and Global Change
Introduction to the earth's climate, climate change, and the interactions between climate and the global environment. Physical, chemical, biological, and social factors contributing to climate and global change are investigated. Topics explored are: climate classifications, global warming and greenhouse effect, acid rain, ozone depletion, regional drought, and cataclysmic climate change. Man-made climate change as opposed to natural variability, along with human responses to potential climate change are debated.

Paul Sirvatka Ron Stenz
Climate Statement
Assignments and Readings
EARTH 1115 -- Severe and Unusual Weather
In depth study of meteorological phenomena relating to severe thunderstorms, El Nino/Southern Oscillation events, and tropical storms. Topics will include severe weather spotting, weather radar, atmospheric soundings, tornadogenesis, El Nino, tropical meteorology, hurricanes, and an introduction to numerical weather prediction. Basic physical principles, their relation to weather events, and weather's impact on society will also be explored.

Syllabus and Outline
Outline and Readings

Unit 1
Supercell Schematic
Supercell Schematic: Blank Version
Lemon Technique
Radar Notes

Unit 2
Static Stablility
Thunderstorm Schematic
Thermodynamic Diagrams
Thermodynamic Diagram Lab -- (Part 1 answers)

Unit 3
Windshear and Hodographs
Tropical Meteorology and Hurricanes
ENSO (El Nino)

Part I: Intro
Part II: Radar
Part III: Storms
Part IV: Multicells
Part V: Supercells
Part VI: Tornadoes
Steve Davis Radar Assignment
Radar and Spotter Lab
EARTH 1116 -- Weather Analysis and Forecasting I
A study of day-to-day weather patterns with an emphasis on understanding the basics of meteorological processes and forecasting. Students read weather reports and weather maps needed to analyze current conditions and forecast weather. Taking advantage of a fully-operational weather laboratory, students monitor current weather conditions locally and across the nation.

EARTH 1117 -- Weather Analysis and Forecasting II
A continuation of Weather Analysis and Forecasting I. Students continue investigating sources of data, learn to analyze raw images, and interpret numerical weather forecasts. Taking advantage of a fully-operational weather laboratory, students monitor current weather conditions locally and across the nation.

EARTH 2116 -- Advanced Weather Analysis and Forecasting I
A continuation of Weather Analysis and Forecasting II. Emphasis is on independent analysis of weather events, forecast preparation, and mastery of hand data analysis. Taking advantage of a fully-operational weather laboratory, students monitor current weather conditions locally and across the nation.

EARTH 2117 -- Advanced Weather Analysis and Forecasting II
A continuation of Advanced Weather Analysis and Forecasting I. Students prepare a weekly forecast for the Chicago metropolitan area generally and DuPage County specifically, and track and evaluate their forecasting accuracy. Taking advantage of a fully-operational weather laboratory, students monitor current weather conditions locally and across the nation.

EARTH 1116 Syllabus - (First term)
EARTH 1117 Syllabus - (Second term)
EARTH 2116 Syllabus - (Third term)
EARTH 2117 Syllabus - (Fourth term)

Introduction to the Weather Lab
Satellite Lab
Isoplething Lab
Metar Lab
Point or Area Foreast Matix Lab

Satellite Tutorial
Numerical Model Tutorial
Air Masses and Fronts
Metar Help

Advanced Forecasting: Forecasts and Submission Page
Student Forecast Page
Forecast Submission Page: Password Protected

Other Resources
University of Illinois, WW2010: The Online Guides of Meteorology
MetEd resources -- Meteorology Education and Training modules, courses, and cases
Warning, Watch and Advisory Criteria
Station Models Guide
Forecasting Snowfall Presentation
SPC Acronyms Page
Illinois County Warning Area Map Also shows ASOS, RADAR, and WSFO locations in Illinois.
WSFO Map Showing the location of all the NWS forecast offices in the US
Great Images of past events from SPC (latest image on top, scroll down to bottom for past images)
EARTH 1119 -- Weather Impacts & Preparedness
Weather Impacts and Preparedness -- An investigation of weather and climate impacts that affect various populations within the United States including snow, drought, floods, severe weather, and temperature extremes among other phenomena. Sociological impacts, preparedness, and warning and mitigation strategies will be discussed.

EARTH 2118 -- Severe Weather Analysis
An in-depth study of severe weather forecasting and analysis. An emphasis is placed on hand analysis of raw data, assessing short term numerical weather models, and nowcasting. Students monitor events prior to and during severe weather events using real time radar and other data sources. Students gain a better understanding of severe weather initiation and evolution. Local field trips to observe severe weather first-hand may be included. May be taken up to two times for credit. Prerequisite: Earth Science 1115 with a grade of C or better or consent of instructor.

Syllabus and Reference Materials
Rules of Isoplething

Case Studies
Blank Maps
Case 1

Case Study Data Archive
Full Case Study Data (password protected)
EARTH 2115 -- Mesoscale Meteorology
In depth study of meteorological phenomena with short temporal and small spatial scales. Topics will include tools for mesoscale analysis, mesoscale modeling, thermally-forced circulations, fog, mesoscale winter events, and the morphology of convective systems including squall lines, mesoscale convective systems and supercells and their associated threats including flash floods and tornadoes. Other topics of current research interest will also be covered.

Outline and Assignments
EARTH 2110 -- Intermediate Meteorology
A quantitative first look at the science of meteorology. Physical concepts will be examined using algebraic methods to prepare students for material using higher mathematics. Operational, physical, and dynamical meteorology will be discussed to give students an overall understanding of atmospheric science. Equations of motion, thermodynamics, and the primitive equations will be among the topics covered.

Syllabus and Reference Material
Greek Alphabet

Unit 1
Unit 2
Kinetic Theory